Happy Halloween!! This year I found Alex a cowboy costume and Evan was going to dress up as a pumpkin but at the last minute Wes found him a new costume. So he was a banana!! We had a great night. Oregon was playing USC so we went trick or treating at half time. We went to a few houses in the neighborhood. We had so much fun watching Alex!!
daddy and our little banana
mommy and daddy with cowboy Alex
which way to the next house??
I love this picture of daddy and Alex
Knock Knock.....who's there?
After we went to a few houses we decided to go home. Abby told Tri to go into the house and say trick or treat when Alex came up to the door and act like he was still trick or treating. Tri opened the door and Alex said "hi Tri" and walked in the house. We can't fool him
Evan fell asleep as we were walking out to go trick or treating. Hopefully he enjoyed his walk around the neighborhood
Superwoman and Cowboy Alex
mommy and her cowboy
I found Alex moving all of the candy from the bowl we were supposed to hand out to his basket
Abby and Tri had a halloween party to go to later that night but they came over to our house first. The funny thing was Tri was on call and had his phone and pager on the superman belt. Thank goodness he didn't get called into the hospital!!
A few kisses for baby Evan