Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fun at Home

The other night Wes and I were playing with the boys in the house. We were having a blast!! I had to take a few pictures to capture all of the fun:)
WATCH OUT!!! Here I come!!
Evan thinks it is so funny when Alex crawls. I guess he is so proud of himself that he is doing something like his big brother.
Evan always wants whatever Alex has. Sometimes Alex will share but most of the time I hear......"No Evan, that is Alex's."
so happy that is daddy is home
Now that Evan is on the move ... he is everywhere and he's so fast!!!
Daddy built a fort on the sofa for Alex. I think this fort needs to be rebuilt!
I think we will be seeing Dr. Larrabee once Alex gets older.
Great Fort Daddy!!!

Alex tried to help me the other morning by giving Evan some puffs. I had to explain that Evan can't eat an entire bottle of puffs!!
My boys!!

Alex wanted his turn in the exersaucer. He looked like a giant in it! It seems like yesterday that Alex was Evan's age. Wow....time flies!!!

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