Grammy and Pa were making another visit to Phoenix. We haven't seen them since Thanksgiving so we couldn't wait to for them to get here! And this time they brought a visitor with them....Eddie, their 4 month old Shih tzu puppy.
Eddie was a great traveler and made a pit stop at the Bone Yard before we headed home. He even got his picture taken along with my mom and might be on the Sky Harbor website
I took Alex with me to pick up Grammy and Pa. He couldn't have been more excited to see them!!
Pa was enjoying the nice Phoenix weather since St. Louis has been cold and snowy. He couldn't wait to take the boys for a walk.
the boys thought Eddie was cute but it would take a bit for them to get used to playing with him
The boys were so happy that Grammy and Pa were at our house. They wanted to play with them outside.
This was the first time that Abby has seen Eddie. Moose was a getting a close up of the new puppy
Mommy and Evan
watch out Eddie....the train is going to get you!!
Eddie was not afraid of Moose at all....he kept jumping all over him
Alex had a list of places he wanted to take Grammy and Pa.... the first stop ....the Train Park. Getting ready to ride the train!
........and the carousel
Alex going down the crazy slide
he was having so much fun
Grammy and Evan going down the bumpy slide. Look at Grammy's face...I think she was a little nervous!
Evan had a blast on the smaller slide
I'm not sure who looks more scared....Pa or Evan
I want to swing higher Pa
Evan is always smiling
Pa and his little buddy. When Pa is around Evan doesn't want to go to anyone else
being silly
Alex loved playing with Eddie. He wanted him to chase him around the house. Maybe Alex is trying to teach him how to "sit" in this picture.
Abby with Moose and Rudy. They just watched Eddie run around
Our next stop on Alex's list was to the Children's Museum.
Pa and Evan
this was really the first time that Evan ran around the entire museum. He had a ball!! He was smiling and laughing and we would get off the elevator he would start squealing ... he was having so much fun!!
still smiling
he loved the Noodle Forrest.... he would run through the noodles to get to where I was standing then run around the side to do it again
this was Aunt Abby's first time to the Children's Museum. She was having fun too!
my big boy Alex
What's going on here?
Alex loves his Aunt Abby
Grammy with Alex and Evan
Don't look Tri....Abby is going down the slide!!
This is the greatest idea ever!! Window washing for kids. They would spray the water then wipe it off. We were out there forever...they loved it!!
still having a blast!!
taking a look at a few more things before it was time to go home
the weather was beautiful that day!!
Abby teaching Alex the art of "resting"
Another picture of Eddie....isn't he cute!!
What is a trip to the mall without going on the "alligator"
the boys had so much fun playing with Eddie
Grammy and her buddy
My parents were supposed to go back to St. Louis on Monday January 31st but St. Louis was expected to get a huge snowstorm that day. Their flight ended up being cancelled so we got to spend an extra week with Grammy and Pa!!!
time to breakout the play-dough
Alex was laying on his tummy and Evan came over and sat on him. He thought it was hilarious!!
Alex playing hide n go seek with Grammy and Evan... I found you Grammy!!
Abby trying to take Eddie for a ride in the shopping cart... he didn't like this too much
Everyone is wearing brown in this picture... haha
One of Alex's teachers, Miss Emily, was moving to Tucson so the class arranged for an ice cream going away party. All of the kids were giving Miss Emily hugs. She is really going to be missed. We wish her lots and lots of luck in Tucson!!
Mommy and Alex
Alex and Miss Emily
Pa and the boys
It is rare to see Alex and Evan laying around. They must have been worn out from all of the company because Grammy made them a bed and they were hanging out watching tv. There was also a brief time that they were holding hands but I couldn't take the picture fast enough
On Saturday Wes, Tri and my dad made plans to go to the Phoenix Open but before they left we all met at Harvest for a yummy breakfast.
Alex was so tired later that day that he fell asleep on the floor
Eddie and Rudy got into a small dog fight and Eddie ended up with blood on him. So he got a bath in the sink. You can't tell how skinny he is until his fur is wet!
all clean
We had so much fun with Grammy and Pa while they were in town. We miss them so much when they aren't here. We are already looking forward to our next visit with Grammy in a few weeks!!!
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