Sunday, August 28, 2011

1st day of school

Alex and Evan started school on August 17th.  Alex has been going to school for 2 years now so he seems like a "pro."  He is going to be a "Fish" this year.  His teachers are Miss Ari and Miss Seta.  This is Evan's first year and he will be a "Bunny." His teachers are Miss Esty, Miss Amy and Miss Hannah.  It is still hard for me to believe that my baby is old enough to start preschool.
Daddy and the boys. they were so excited about their lunch boxes 
Mommy with her little guys
Evan walked around the house all morning with his Batman lunch box
"I'm ready for school Mommy"
Alex was so excited to start school and did his best to make Evan excited too!
Alex is growing up so fast. He is changing all the time!
Ok mommy....we are ready to more pictures!!
One last picture
I got the boys all packed and ready for school. I made their lunch the night before so I could save time for pictures!  They both seemed so excited when we walked into school.  Evan had done well when he met his teachers on Monday but I was worried how he would do once he realized he was there by himself.  Alex helped me take Evan to his room. I was surprised that Evan went in and started playing right away. I gave him a kiss and said goodbye and told him I would be back after lunch. Alex couldn't wait to go to his room. He has to check himself in on the board and answer a question each day he is there.  I almost forgot because I was worried about Alex but he reminded me!! Alex said goodbye and he was ready to start the morning. I checked in on Evan one more time and he was still playing.  It was so weird leaving both boys at school. I missed them so much that morning and couldn't wait to pick them up. I went to get Evan first and when he saw me he wanted to be picked up and he started sad!!  Apparently he started crying half way through the morning but he would stop and play too so they didn't call me.  I kind of expected that. But I was so happy to hear that Alex had a great day!!  They told me about their day on the drive home, ate a snack and took a good nap!!  What a day!

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