Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Party with the Larrabee's and Falconbridge's

We were invited to celebrate the holidays with our good friends Carly, Ben, Shawn and Steff. We went to the Larrabee house for dinner and to open presents. Carly made her yummy chili mac while Steff brought appetizers and I made a holiday cake. We met when Alex, Luke and Emma were 4 months old and we have stayed close friends. Now we have additions to our group. Will is 9 mo and Adam is 5 mo old. We don't see each other as often but we always have a great time when we are together!!
me, Evan, Will, Carly, Adam and Steff
daddy and Evan
Let the chaos begin!! Alex was handing out presents and trying to open them at the same time. We had so much fun watching the kids open their gifts.
Alex opening a personalized book from Luke and Will
Evan was trying to open his presents too
Alex opening Evans gift from Emma and Adam
Evan was so worn out from the excitement
having fun playing with all the new toys
Alex really liked Will's new phone
It is amazing to see how Alex, Emma and Luke have grown up. We hope they remain close friends forever. Thank you to the Larrabee's and Falconbridge's for all of the great presents. We had a great night and look forward to many more holidays together....

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