Friday, July 29, 2011

New Pictures of Alex and Evan

I finally took the boys to have some pictures taken at Portrait Innovation. I wanted to get pictures now that Evan is 2 and Alex is almost 4. I was so happy with the way they turned out! I am one proud momma to show off these cute little boys
Evan 2 yr old
I can't believe how big Alex looks in this picture

My boys!

I love that they were able to capture them laughing
this is our typical silly EBAN


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Take Me Out To The Ballgame!!

Last weekend Wes spend some Daddy time with Alex. He took him to the baseball game ... the Diamondbacks v Dodgers. Wes has been wanting to take Alex to a sporting event and since Wes' favorite team is the Dodgers he thought this would be great!!
Awesome seats behind the dugout
Ben and Luke went with Wes and Alex. Hopefully next time they will stay more than 4 innings. I think they still had fun!!

GOLF 101

The boys seem to be very interested in sports lately especially when they see Daddy watching something on tv. Wes asked Alex if he wanted to play a sport and his answer was "golf" so Wes bought the boys their own sets of golf clubs.
I think the boys look like little golfers
a game of golf is not complete without SpongeBob golf balls
great swing Eban
Alex's turn to play a little golf
Evan was having so much fun out there! Now he uses anything and everything as a golf club
Evan's sad face

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Meeting baby Logan

On Sunday I took Alex and Evan to Abby's house to meet their new baby cousin. Wes wasn't feeling well so we thought it would be best for him to meet Logan in a few days.
Logan was sleeping in his bed and Alex couldn't wait to see him
Before we walked into the house I told him he needed to be quiet around Logan because he is a baby. He was so good with him....I was so proud!!
When I told Alex that Logan was born he told me he wanted to sing him "Rock A Bye Baby." He sat down next to Logan and sang him a song
Alex and Logan holding hands
I hope that all the cousins with grow up and be best buddies!!
Evan meeting Logan. He wasn't so sure about him. Anytime I would hold Logan he would want me to hold him. He acted just like Alex did when we brought Evan home from the hospital
Evan loved the new teddy bear that was in Logan's room.... if it was a little smaller I think he would have tried to take him home
Big hugs for Bear
kisses for baby Logan
Alex doing some work on the computer
Evan showing Pa some games on the ipad
piggy back ride for Evan
Pa and Evan taking a walk in the backyard
Grammy and Pa with the boys
Abby asked if I wanted to feed Logan and Alex said "I will do it" and he jumped in the chair. He sat right next to me and helped hold the bottle. Then he found a book that he wanted to read to Logan.
Grammy with 2 of her 3 grandsons
love the shirt ... "I still live with my parents"
We went over to the house on Tuesday to BBQ and Wes was able to finally meet Logan for the first time
Evan giving Logan some kisses
More pictures with Logan
Cookie face!

Logan wearing his "team grandpa" sleeper just for Pa
one proud grandpa!
Abby and her nephews with Logan