Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Last week Alex started swimming lessons. We have been wanted to sign Alex up for lessons for awhile. In fact I was looking into it almost a year ago when I was pregnant with Evan. My friend, Michelle, called me to tell me that there was an opening in a semi private class with her daughter. It was a perfect day and time so I called and he got the spot. I wasn't sure what he would think of lessons but he did great his first week!! I was so proud of him. I took the camera today to get some pictures of Alex in the pool. Today was his second week of lessons.
playing before swim lessons
Abby came to watch our lesson today and my friend Michelle. Alex takes lessons with her daughter, Anessa.
Alex and Miss Blair
Align Center
The kids stand on a platform in the pool until it is their turn with the instructor. I was so proud of Alex for not jumping off the platform last week. The little accomplishments make me happy haha

Alex's turn to swim to the side of the pool
today he went underwater for the first time. Yeah Alex!!
floating on his back
Alex had fun splashing around in the water
Anessa has been taking lessons for awhile. She started the semi private lessons in March and it is so cute to watch her. She swims underwater by herself.

At the end of the lesson the kids are taken over to the frog slide. Alex doesn't hesitate at all. He loves it!!
Why is this instructor not looking at Alex as he is coming towards her? She caught him! I'm so proud of Alex for going to swimming lessons!! He seems to be enjoying them.

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