Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We woke up Tuesday morning and Alex was feeling so much better so we decided to go to SeaWorld. Once we got our tickets and entered the park we saw that we saw that we could feed the dolphins. When walked over to the area the line was so long that we took Alex on the other side so he could see them. My dad stood in the line to buy fish for the feeding but we never thought he would get them. Pa was awesome ... he bought fish!!
Alex was so excited to see dolphins
He fed them and got to touch them too!

What an amazing experience for Alex!!
Thanks Pa for getting me fish. I loved feeding the dolphins! Now....off to see the Shamu show
the whales are amazing

Every year Wes has to play the basketball game
This year he won Alex and Evan a stuffed Shamu
the penguin exhibit
Which penguin should I get??
Alex dancing in the polar bear exhibit
This is cold! The wall is made of ICE
Where are we going now??
SeaWorld has a cute Sesame Street area. I wasn't sure if Alex would go on the rides but he loved them!! Alex with mommy and daddy on the Abby Cadabby teacups
Flying Elmo Fish.
At the end of the day Alex just wanted to play in the water
He couldn't resist getting SOAKED!! Good thing we were prepared with a beach towel and new clothes!
Alex had so much fun :)
Grammy and Pa with their grandsons
Evan hanging out with Daddy at SeaWorld
mommy and daddy with Evan
Later that night we took a walk on the boardwalk. Grammy and Pa had so much fun with the kids. Pa was so happy to push the stroller!!
Alex doing "this little piggy" with Evan's toes. Evan thought it was hilarious!!

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