Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bye Bye St. Louis!! See you soon.....

The night before we were leaving forecasters were predicting snow. This is what we woke up to the next morning!
About 4-6 inches of SNOW!!
We dressed Alex up to go outside in 3 layers of clothes plus his hat, mittens, coat and boots. He could hardly walk outside.
Pa playing in the snow with Alex
It was so cold that morning and the wind was blowing so Alex had enough and said "Bye Bye Snow"
My mom flew back with me to help me with the boys on the plane. I couldn't have done it without her. Thank you so much Grammy. We had a good flight after a great vacation.
Alex keeping busy on the plane
The next morning Katie came over for a visit. We didn't get to see her much when we were in St. Louis because she had the flu too.
Alex missed Moosie dog
hanging out with Grammy before she has to leave for the airport
Wes worked late the night that we came home so he didn't get to see Alex or Evan. They were both asleep. Evan was awake before Wes went to work on Friday but Alex was sleeping in so they had to wait to see each other until Wes got home. The boys missed their daddy.

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